Venous hypertension leads to inflammation and congestion in the tissue of the legs and is responsible for the physical signs and symptoms of venous insufficiency. These include edema, pain, aching, skin discoloration, leg cramping, leg fatigue, and restlessness. Vein problems increase with age, can progress to the point of being disabling, and should not be ignored. Most insurance companies cover the treatment of venous disease. Additionally, insurance companies often require a conservative trial of medical management. Duplex ultrasound is used to figure out which veins are working and which are not. If your vein is working, we leave them alone. However, if they are not working correctly, we treat them. Significant venous insufficiency documented by duplex ultrasound is required to determine the anatomy and severity of the patient's venous insufficiency. Depending on your insurance company and policy, the length of time necessary for conservative trial varies. Contact your insurance provider for more detailed information regarding this or contact us for assistance with this determination. The team at Vein Specialists are here to help you conquer vein disease.