Phlebitis is a collective term for an inflammatory process of a vein or varicose vein. Often the source of the inflammation of the vein is a blood clot or thrombus. When there is a clot, the condition changes in name to thrombophlebitis, thrombophlebitis can affect the deep veins or the superficial veins.
While superficial thrombophlebitis can be very painful, it is generally not life-threatening. Thrombophlebitis in the deep veins is a serious condition and is usually called deep vein thrombus or DVT.
Superficial phlebitis is more likely to develop in people with varicose veins or have trauma to the vessel wall, such as with an IV stick or blood draw. There may be visible inflammation with a red streak along the path of the vein. There may also be localized tenderness and heat associated with the inflammation and thrombus in the varicosities.
If you have phlebitis, thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, spider veins, or just unexplained leg pain, Dr. Maganant and the Vein Specialists team are here to assist you. Take our online vein screening or fill out the contact us tab, and one of our specialists will give you a call. We value the trust that our patients give us, and we provide our services with a patient-centered approach. We appreciate your time, your energy, and we will do our best to understand the specific needs of each patient. Let us help you get that youthful energy and life back into your legs!